Downloading Kaggle Datasets to SageMaker

  • Generate API key in Kaggle UI and upload to your root folder via web interface.
  • Agree to competition in Kaggle UI if you haven’t already.
  • Start a notebook. Execute following commands in a notebook cell replacing the competition name with the competition you are interested in;
pip install kaggle

# Move API key to where Kaggle expects it
mv /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/kaggle.json /home/ec2-user/.kaggle

# Download datasets, optionally specify destination folder using --path
kaggle competitions download -c planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space
  • Realise that the instance you started doesn’t have enough space for the datasets. Oh, crap. Anyhow, if you were forward thinking than me then you should be good to go.
