About me

Swede living in Berlin. Mixing work in Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics with teaching Swing dance in the evenings, visiting new places and trying to figure out what are the keys to a meaningful life.

After working in full stack web development for the first years after college and then transitioning into a Product Owner role, I gradually realised that machine learning and data science are what really excites me and for the past few years, I’ve deliberately been taking my career in that direction.

The Blog

As I’m usually either taking some online classes, working on some projects of my own and/or deciding to spend a few hours to try out something new - I might as well document it.

Quite telling, the whole blog started out as just one of those one-day projects where I wanted to compare some different static site generators and test putting the result up as a Github page.

Keeping the blog is for now mainly a way to motivate me to reach a point with a concrete outcome that I can do a writeup about.

In other words; nothing written here is really intended for an audience besides myself, but if there is anything that you find helpful then that is of course great.

Contact me

You can e-mail me at freddiekarlbom {at} gmail {dot} com or connect on LinkedIn.

My name is Freddie

…and just for the record; my name really is Freddie so please don’t call me Frederic, Fredrik, Freddy or any other variation you might confuse it with. Thanks in advance!