Hello World

I decided to create a static blog where I hopefully might document some of my various escapades in programming etc.

After testing Pelican and struggling for a bit, I fell back on Jekyll which, though I’d preferred to work in Python over Ruby, feels much more mature and is a breeze to work with.

Using the wonderfully beautiful and simple Hyde theme, here in the more modern Hydeout incarnation, which works well with the 3.* branch of Jekyll.

Setting up a Jekyll blog as Github page

Installing Jekyll on OSX turned out to be a bit of an issue since the Ruby version was old. After some fiddling with that, the installation was straight forward using the official documentation.

The Hyde theme that I was after turned out to not work well either since it wasn’t updated to the 3.* branch of Jekyll. Through Jekyll Themes I found the mentioned Hydeout version that worked better.

Once Jekyll and theme were working correctly, doing the minor initial updates took no time at all and blogging in markdown is super convenient.

Also, the process of setting it up as a personal Github page takes no time at all.

All in all, a really nice one-night project where most time ended up being spent on first trying out Pelican, and then having to troubleshoot an out of date Ruby installation.